Contact us for advice and help in finding missing family members
Contact us for advice and help in finding missing family members
We can help you look for your family if:
- You have lost contact with the person or persons you are looking for due to war, conflict, natural disasters, or migration.
- You are residing in Sweden and the person or persons you are looking for is/are outside Sweden.
We can look for your family regardless of whether you are an asylum seeker, have a temporary or permanent residence permit or if you have had your asylum application rejected in Sweden.
When you contact us for tracing assistance, we need to know:
- Your full name and age.
- Who or which family members you are looking for.
- When was the last time you had contact with your family.
- Where the family was when you last had contact with them.
- How you last had contact with your family (telephone, personal contact, information via a third party).
- Why contact was lost.
- What you have done yourself to look for your family.
Contact us
Migration Advisory Phone Service
Wednesdays 09:00 - 12:00 a.m.
Phone number 020 - 41 50 00