Kvinna i mörkröd tröja.

Health Care for undocumented and other migrants

Health Care for undocumented and other migrants

At the Swedish Red Cross health referral center we provide advice and support for undocumented and other migrants in need of medical care in Sweden.

Contact us

For advice and information regarding migrants access to health care in Sweden.
Call: 020-211 000 (free of charge)
Telephone open: Monday –Friday 09:00-12:00
SMS: 0723 - 49 98 08 (for sms only)
E-mail address: papperslos@redcross.se

Visit us

You can always visit us on drop-in, we will help you when time allows. 

Swedish Red Cross, Kungsholmen Stockholm
Lindhagensgatan 126, 4th floor, 
Monday – Thursday 9:00 -15:30
Friday 9:00-11:30

How to find the Swedish Red Cross Health Referral Center in the building at Kungsholmen:

What we can help you with

We can:

  • help you with information about your rights to health care in Sweden
  • help you with referrals and contacts to Swedish medical facilities so you can receive the care you are entitled to.
  • arrange an appointment with a doctor if it is not possible for you to get access to medical care at the public health care.

Practical information

The health referral center is not an emergency service - in case of an acute situation we refer you to a local medical facility or hospital. 

Our medical staff during regular opening ours are registered nurses.

It is always free to visit us. We never contact any authorities unless you ask us to.

If you need an interpreter, we prefer that you book an appointment to make sure that there will be one available for you.

Information for health care providers

Information in Swedish to bring along if you visit the public health care:
Support for health care personnel ( in Swedish)

Information about care for undocumented immigrants

Asylsökande man kramar dotter i lila tröja

Support for Asylum Seekers

Läs mer om support for asylum seekers